Outrunning Hurricane Dorian
September 6th, 2019
I was in North Carolina yesterday as hurricane Dorian began to make its way onto the coast. Like I normally do, I woke up early in the morning and went for a run. With the exception of the normal Nort...  Read More
The greatest Avenger of all time is…
August 30th, 2019
The Marvel Cinematic Universe movies are the most successful movie franchise in history. There isn’t a close second place to the wildly successful comic book series turned into a movie franchise. I’m...  Read More
One church can solve most of the world’s problems
August 24th, 2019
America is more politically and socially divided today than ever before in our history. You can hear it in almost every news story on the nightly news. It’s not just on the steps of the county courth...  Read More
Read the “owner’s manual” right away
August 15th, 2019
My daughter recently bought her first car. It was a used car with high mileage but a great first car. She is so excited about her first car. It’s exciting to own a car-it’s also a lot of responsibi...  Read More
Why we all need to go “back to school” this year
August 11th, 2019
Our society is descending into chaos. The mass shootings last week in Texas and Ohio showed us the level of wickedness that exists in the human heart. Sex trafficking is on the rise, businesses are ch...  Read More
Not again I’m not ready for another heart break
August 3rd, 2019
This blog will probably offend just about everybody who reads it, but here goes anyway… I’m already sick of the 2020 presidential election cycle and it has just started! I need to start this blog by s...  Read More
Let’s talk about the real “Lion King”
July 19th, 2019
People all over the world are talking about the new Disney live action movie The Lion King. This movie is considered by some experts to represent a new era in cinematography.[1]Although Disney kept th...  Read More
Why Independence Day is a huge holiday
July 3rd, 2019
I’m concerned about a growing trend that I see in the United States. Independence Day seems to be losing it’s importance among many citizens in our country. Perhaps this trend is growing because of gl...  Read More
Why “dad jokes” stick with you for a week
June 15th, 2019
You would look your friend straight in the eyes and tell them, “that’s not funny” with a deadly serious face if they told you this joke. However, your dad tells you the same joke- chances are that it ...  Read More
Planning the next disruptive technology
April 18th, 2019
This Easter blog today is about disruptive change. Imagine that the company you work for has decided to try to just create the next life-changing technology. Your boss is very impressed with your work...  Read More
Getting black and blue during the Best Ranger Competition
April 11th, 2019
The US Army’s annual Best Ranger Competition is about to begin at Fort Benning, Georgia. If you’re not familiar with this competition, it puts some of the greatest warriors on the planet through the u...  Read More
That’s going to leave a scar
April 3rd, 2019
“Yep, that’s going to leave a scar!”- were the first words out of my mouth when one of my soldiers was shot in the leg on accident. I know these don’t seem like the most compassionate words, but you ...  Read More