How to give away your debt in 2025

That kind of financial burden can be overwhelming. As the new year begins, many people are making resolutions to pay off some of their personal debt. I have a secret about how to alleviate debt.
According to financial experts, the only way to eliminate personal debt is to spend less money than you earn. There are two ways to achieve this goal: increase your income in 2025 or decrease your spending. The best results come from combining both strategies.
Did you know that all of humanity owes one another a personal debt? Similar to your financial situation, this debt is an obligation to your fellow humans. Anyone who has received an unwarranted gift has a responsibility to do something meaningful in return. You have been given the gift of love by God. As a result, you owe love to the people God puts in your life.
While it's crucial to free yourself from personal debt, I believe that your obligation to your fellow man is even more significant. Throughout this article, I will challenge you to consider how you can repay the debt of love to your fellow human beings.

Here’s a secret about alleviating your debt in 2025:

Remember where your greatest blessings come from.

By definition, a gift must be given without expectation. If you have done something to earn a gift, it can't genuinely be considered a gift. When you need to compensate someone for a gift, it becomes transactional. Though gifts are given freely, an unspoken obligation often comes with every unearned gift. You owe it to yourself and others to utilize the gifts you've received in a meaningful manner.
Unfortunately, people often forget this principle. God has bestowed upon us various abilities and blessings, expecting us to share those gifts for the good of others. We are called to bless others with what we've been given.
If you don't regularly remind yourself that your gifts are unwarranted, you may start to believe you deserve them. The moment you perceive your gifts from God or others as deserved, you will begin to take them for granted. Even worse, you may spend those gifts solely on yourself rather than using them to bless others.
If you want to alleviate your debt to others in 2025, start by reminding yourself that you owe your fellow human beings a debt for the love you've received from God and others.

Don’t dwell on the blessings you’ve given.

I wouldn't want to receive a gift if it meant the giver would hold it over my head. Giving away something of great value is challenging, and it's even harder to maintain no expectations after a gift has been shared.
Love is the debt we owe to all people. The key to reducing your debt in 2025 is to generously share the gifts of love that you received last year. Any gift of love grows in value as it is shared with others. By doing so, you are effectively spending your way out of debt to your fellow man.

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