Does most of your life go to what’s most important?

If you can’t answer, YES. Then, I want to show you how you can start reorganizing your priorities. In this article, I want to help you do a hard reset on your priorities.
In our busy world, it’s so common to feel overwhelmed by the daily hustle and forget about the things that really matter. The simple yet powerful question, “Does most of your life go to what’s most important?” can help remind us to focus on what we truly care about. By making sure our actions align with our values and goals, we can create a joyful life filled with the things we treasure most!

Check Your Priorities

The first step to resetting your priorities is to identify what truly matters to you. Take a moment to reflect—what are your core values? Think about the various areas of your life, such as career, relationships, health, personal growth, and enjoyment! Write down what you value most in each of these categories. You might find that family and friendships are at the top of your list right now, while career goals may seem a bit less important at this moment. Understanding these priorities can genuinely help you make choices that feel right for you each day!

Measure what matters

To rest your priorities, hone in on measuring what shapes your dreams and aspirations. Let go of the noise that does not serve your purpose. Cultivate a mindset that values essential metrics and diligently casts aside distractions, empowering yourself to pursue your ultimate goals with unwavering focus and determination. Remember, true success is a journey driven by passion and clarity.
I think this is one of the challenges the Bible presents when it refers to Jesus as the “cornerstone” of our faith. In 1 Peter 2:7, Peter urges God’s people to make a hard reset in their lives by referring to us as God’s living stones. It’s clear from his word choices that Peter is thinking about building a stone temple.
People are the raw materials, and God is the master builder putting his temple of worship together. Here’s what’s fascinating: Peter claims that Jesus is the cornerstone. This is the most important stone in an ancient building. If you don’t get the right stone, the building will crumble. If a building doesn’t have the cornerstone in the correct place, it will become unstable.

Setting Measurable Goals

With the cornerstone in place, you can start to align your priorities with God’s blueprint. If strengthening your faith is first, start some spiritual practices first thing in the morning. If deeper connections with family and friends are vital to you, aim for regular family dinners or hanging out with friends. Ensure your goals are realistic and achievable, inspiring you without feeling overwhelmed. Break them down into smaller steps to make progress attainable.

Conquer your Calendar

In our hectic world, your calendar will get out of control as soon as you look away from it. A healthy schedule is essential for resetting your life. Review your current commitments and identify those that contribute to your priorities. Don’t hesitate to say no to activities that don’t align with your goals. 
If Jesus is the cornerstone and we are the living stones, then we should dedicate a significant amount of time and focus to him in our busy schedules. But rather than adding another task to an overloaded schedule, why don’t you reset your schedule by replacing something less critical with time with Jesus?

Stay Flexible

Life is unpredictable, and that’s okay! Flexibility helps you stay balanced. It’s natural for priorities to shift, so adapt and realign your actions with what matters most. Go with the flow!

Reflect and Revise

The final step to reset your priorities is regular evaluation. The pressure grows at the base when you start stacking stones on top of one another. If your cornerstone isn’t strong enough to handle the load, everything will come crashing down on top of you. Set aside time each week, month, or quarter to recheck your priorities, celebrate your achievements, and identify where you still need to grow. This moment of reflection can be sacred if you will let the Holy Spirit guide you to ensure that your daily actions are aligned with what God is building in and around you. 
Resetting your life is about stacking your living stone perfectly on the cornerstone. It takes commitment and the courage to make hard choices to reset your priorities. By being intentional and focused, you can realign your priorities. Remember, it’s not about doing more; it’s about doing more of what truly matters more!

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